Page 79 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 79

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                KOCAELI TV, December 15, 2009)
                ADNAN OKTAR: Firstly, one has to establish love in his heart, he
            has to be very sincere, he should not make himself uneasy. He has to sub-
            mit himself to Allah, he will have fear of Him. He should read the Qur'an
            at least a couple of times. Then, he should totally submit himself to the
            path of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), to the
            creed of Ahl al-Sunnah  and be attached to it. Other than that, smashing
            the philosophy is also very important. See what the Prophet Abraham
            (pbuh) has done? He came and gave a blow on all the idols. What did
            the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) do? He also
            smashed the idols. What did the Prophet Moses (pbuh) do? He de-
            stroyed the idol. What is the idol of the End Times? It is Darwinism and
            materialism. Then what is our foremost duty? To destroy all the idols,
            to smash down the idol of Darwinism with all one's strength, using sci-
            ence as the axe. For this, there is need for weapons made of light and they
            can receive that by making use of my books, works and our Internet web-
            site. That way they will have accomplished that beautiful task. When idols
            are broken down, then the path is wide open to pure natural belief. Then
            we can move as we like, but it is definitely important that we should not
            divide, we should not separate Muslims as Shiite, Alawite or Sunni, be-
            cause they all recite "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah." It is cru-
            cially significant that we have love for them all, we embrace all as friends
            and brothers. Anything contrary to this would serve the satan. May Allah
            forbid. There is only a handful of Muslims over this world, for instance we
            are only by the handful in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria or Iraq. But there are
            ones who make mischief and attempt bringing them against one another.
            They want Syria to fall out with Iraq, Iraq with Syria, Iran with Turkey,
            Turkey with Iran, Saudi Arabia with Iraq in order to make them fight one
            another. These are masonic games and they want Muslim countries to fall
            out with each other. Nobody should be deceived into this. Everyone who
            says, "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah" is our brother. We en-
            fold them in our arms insha'Allah.

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