Page 88 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 88
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
The Wisdom in the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) Method
Indicating the Truth by Asking Questions
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) led his pagan people to ac-
cept the fact that their idols possessed no power by asking
Do you then worship, instead of Allah, that which cannot
help or harm you in any way? (Surat al-Anbiya: 66)
Posing questions enables people to understand their own
situations by using their own logic. This is a most effective
means of communication. Those who deny Allah suffer a huge
defeat in the face of wise, sincere questions, because Allah's ex-
istence and the evidence for it are clear. Therefore, it is a seri-
ous mistake to close one's eyes to His religion and build a life
in which He is forgotten.
Unbiased people who can grasp Allah's infinite might and
power know that He has power over everything and that He
possesses infinite knowledge and wisdom, and so build their
entire lives on His good pleasure. One effective manner of
awakening the heedless and those who fail, under satan's in-
fluence, to think of these things is to ask questions that will fo-
cus their minds. Indeed, many verses invite people to think by
asking various questions:
Have you thought about the water that you drink? Is it you
who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the Sender?
If We had wished, We could have made it bitter. So will
you not give thanks? Have you thought about the fire that
you light? Is it you who make the trees that fuel it grow, or
are We the Grower? We have made it to be a reminder and
a comfort for travelers in the wild. So glorify the name of