Page 93 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 93
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
safe; it is they who are guided." This is the argument We gave
to Abraham against his tribe. We raise in rank anyone We will.
Your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. (Surat al-An'am: 80-83)
One of the most striking elements in the Prophet
Abraham's (pbuh) method of communication is his sincerity
and frankness. While explaining Allah's existence, he address-
es peoples' consciences and speaks effectively. In addition, he
openly warns them and calls on them to fear and respect no one
but Allah. This shows how courageous, perceptive, and deter-
mined he was when confronting his pagan society. The Prophet
Abraham (pbuh) exposed the irrational nature of his tribe's
misguided belief system with a sincere explanation and an ef-
fective style of presentation. Allah tells all believers to use this
Allah knows what is in such people's hearts, so turn away
from them, warn them, and speak to them with words that
are effective. (Surat an-Nisa: 63)
Although he was opposed by his entire tribe, the Prophet
Abraham's (pbuh) enthusiasm and determination, as well as
his striking, sincere, and intelligent style of presentation, repre-
sent a superior attitude capable of influencing all unbiased peo-
ple. However, since his tribe was far from true religion and was
unwilling to abandon their paganism even after realizing the
truth of the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) words, he experiment-
ed with other methods. As Allah reveals in the Qur'an, he re-
sponded in the most pleasing way to his argumentative people.
In one verse, Allah issues the following command to believers:
If they argue with you, say: "I have submitted myself com-
pletely to Allah, and so have all who follow me." Say to
those given the Book and those who have no Book: "Have