Page 96 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 96
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
his tribe left him alone out of fear that they themselves might
become ill. Left alone, he gained enough time to smash the
idols. This clever plan, designed to free his tribe from the sin of
ascribing partners to Allah, is one of the finest examples of act-
ing based upon his love for and fear (respect) of Allah and per-
sonal faith. He made great efforts to carry out his God-given re-
sponsibility and, with great courage and determination, re-
fused to give up in the face of all difficulties. He sought no re-
ward from people, responded to evil with good, and sought on-
ly Allah's good pleasure while doing so.
In the Qur'an, there are other examples of portraying some-
thing as flawed and thus escaping the clutches of the cruel, such as
Khidr (pbuh), who traveled with the Prophet Moses (pbuh) for
a short time. The verses read:
They continued until they boarded a boat, and he [Khidr]
caused it to sink. Then Moses said: "Did you cause it to
sink so that its owners would be drowned? This is truly a
dreadful thing that you have done!" (Surat al-Kahf: 71)
[Khidr said to Moses:] "As for the boat, it belonged to
some poor people who worked on the sea. I wanted to
damage it because a king was coming behind them, com-
mandeering every boat." (Surat al-Kahf: 79)
Khidr (pbuh) was chosen by Allah and given special
knowledge through Allah's inspiration, and his great intelli-
gence and foresight in this instance are worthy of note. In the
Qur'an Allah praises his profound faith, humility, and submis-
sion to Allah, as well as many of his other qualities, and reveals
that he was a servant of Allah with special knowledge from
Him and whose every action was founded on guidance and
wisdom. By sinking this boat, Khidr (pbuh) prevented the king