Page 97 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 97
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
from taking it and also showed great compassion towards its
owners, who were poor. At the same time, he damaged it in
such a way that it could be easily repaired.
These verses also describe Khidr (pbuh) as being a wise
servant of Allah who carried out His commands without hesi-
tation, and as being noteworthy for his love and compassion,
for his desire to help believers, and for his patience and deter-
mination. (For details, see Harun Yahya, Signs of the End Times
in Surat Al- Kahf [New Delhi: Goodword Books, 2004].)
As we saw earlier, the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) smashed
all but the largest of his tribe's false idols with inspiration from
Allah. After seeing what he had done, they sought to punish
him. At this point, his plan to show them the fallacy of their pa-
gan belief system emerged:
He said: "No, this one, the largest of them, did it. Ask
them, if they are able to speak!" (Surat al-Anbiya: 63)
This reply confronted the pagans, who believed the non-
sense that their idols directed the universe and controlled hu-
man beings, with a terrible dilemma. As a result, they were
humbled and unable to respond. Seeing that their lifeless idols
had no power, they had no alternative but to accept the Prophet
Abraham's (pbuh) words. However, they could not publicly
admit these truths, which they believed in their hearts and
minds. One reason for this, as Allah reveals, was their "wrong-
ness and haughtiness" (Surat an-Naml: 14).
Another element of the Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) method
was to undermine his tribe's misguided beliefs before explain-
ing the truth to them. Allah gave him great wisdom, superior
understanding, and the power of effective communication, all
of which he employed in the wisest, most effective, and ratio-