Page 92 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 92

The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                              Behaving Courageously and Frankly

                       The Prophet Abraham (pbuh), like all messengers, was
                  granted wisdom by Allah and charged with calling people to
                  religion so that they may earn His good pleasure, live for the
                  Hereafter, and have proper moral values. The messengers'
                  methods of calling and explaining, as well as their styles of di-
                  alogue, must serve as examples to all Muslims.
                       The societies to which the prophets were sent generally
                  consisted of stubborn people who refused to listen to others.
                  Nevertheless, the prophets presented Allah's message in ways

                  designed to earn Allah's good pleasure and demonstrated su-
                  perior moral virtues, as Allah commanded in the following
                  verse: "So call and go straight, as you have been ordered to..."
                  (Surat ash-Shura: 15). The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) had to deal
                  with his tribe, who loved to argue and were devoted to the pa-
                  ganism inherited from their ancestors. When he showed them
                  how illogical and irrational their pagan belief system was, they

                  began arguing with him:
                       His tribe argued with him. He [Abraham] said: "Are you
                  arguing with me about Allah, when He has guided me? I have
                  no fear of any partner you ascribe to Him, unless my Lord
                  should will such a thing to happen. My Lord encompasses all
                  things in His knowledge, so will you not pay heed? Why
                  should I fear that which you have associated with Him, when
                  you yourselves apparently have no fear of associating partners
                  with Allah, for which He has sent down no authority to you?

                  Which of the two parties is more entitled to feel safe, if you
                  have any knowledge?" Those who believe and do not mix up
                  their faith with any wrongdoing, they are the ones who are

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