Page 11 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 11


             set forth in the Qur'an. He fulfils Allah's orders regarding
             mercy. Real mercy is manifested when one fully complies
             with these commands of the Qur'an. That is because the
             Qur'an is the very source that describes, in the most accu-

             rate way, what real compassion means and what a com-
             passionate human being should do. There are numerous
             verses in the Qur'an which guide people to act with true
                 However, there is an important difference between
             the love felt for Allah and a feeling of compassion. This
             difference results from the fact that love for Allah is sin-
             cere and pure. Compassion embraces love mixed with
             feelings of mercy that is felt for someone because of his
             weaknesses. Whereas, there is no compassion in the love
             felt for Allah, because Allah is far from all kinds of in-
             completeness, weaknesses and defects. The feeling for
             one's own Creator can only be a powerful feeling of
             "love", which inspires enthusiasm, excitement, admira-
             tion and adoration. Hence, sincere and pure love can be
             felt only for Allah, whereas compassion can be felt for be-

             ings created by Allah to be weak and powerless.
                 The Qur'an provides a detailed description of true
             mercy, the attributes of a compassionate person, the kind
             of differences compassion brings forth in one's morality
             and finally the positive influence compassionate people
             have on their environment. Allah also gives an account of
             cruelty originating from a lack of compassion and mercy.
             Accordingly, the good and the bad, the unjust and the
             compassionate have been distinguished from one other.
                 Believers, by nature, are those who enjoy the sublime
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