Page 13 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 13
Then to be one of those who believe and urge each
other to patience and urge each other to mercifulness.
Those are the Companions of the Right.
(Surat al-Balad: 17-18)
As expressed in the above verse, Allah commands His
servants to "urge each other to compassion" in order to
attain His mercy, to enter the Garden and to prosper on
the Last Day. Believers, who devote their lives to gaining
Allah's approval, try to fulfil this order of Allah impecca-
bly. Their sincere faith in Allah underlies this very under-
standing of mercy. They are aware that nothing occurs
unless by the Will of Allah and realise their need to have
all His blessings bestowed upon them. Accordingly, be-
lievers are humble, which is a consequence of such
awareness. These very attributes constitute the basis of
their mercy.
One who is not humble in the real sense, cannot show