Page 12 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 12
morality of the Qur'an. Therefore, they feel peace of mind
only when they truly experience this morality. This being
so, they do not feel any difficulty in showing compassion
as portrayed in the Qur'an. On the contrary, they experi-
ence it as a natural good, originating from their faith.
Allah summons believers to experience compassion as
… And take the believers under your wing. (Surat
al-Hijr: 88)
Allah expresses the sort of compassion demonstrated
by believers as "taking under the wing", because, com-
passion is perceived by them as a form of moral under-
standing extending to every moment of human life,
rather than an attitude displayed in particular situations.
Consequently, numerous moral and ethical characteristics
emerge reflecting their compassion.
This book provides an account of the believers' un-
derstanding of mercy, which depends on the love of
Allah, their practicing this goodness at every moment of
human life, in accordance with the injunctions of the
Qur'an, and the persons to whom they show mercy.
Similarly, this book is an invitation to all people to live
by the moral standards with which Allah is pleased and
to demonstrate mercy as described in the Qur'an. Allah
has promised "forgiveness and an immense reward"
(Surat al-Fath: 29) to His servants who believe, who are
compassionate towards believers and engage in righteous