Page 35 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 35


                 only knew. (Surat al-Baqara: 280)

                 Believers adopt an entirely compassionate and sensi-
             ble attitude to one who is in difficulty over paying his
             debts. A believer, above all, is a person of wisdom and
             high conscience. Thus, he can very well understand what
             a person in debt goes through and accordingly assumes
             the most conscientious and compassionate attitude possi-
                 No doubt, debt is an important liability to take on, in-
             volving as it does a promise given to another party.
             Indeed, in numerous verses, Allah commands people to
             keep their promises. However, according to the above
             verse, when a debt is at issue, decision about its settle-
             ment, rests entirely with the creditor. The creditor can
             postpone repayment until the debtor is in better financial
             conditions. However, Allah stresses that it is better for a
             believer to waive the debt and consider it as alms.
                 The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and
             grant him peace, had this to say on the behaviour of the
                "Who gives respite to a debtor or grants him remission, Allah
                will give him shade under His shade". (Muslim)
                 Nevertheless, there is one important point to consider
             here: The believer may exercise this right only when he
             believes in the honesty of the other party. This is not a
             procedure to follow for a debtor with a fraudulent men-
             tality. Otherwise, people bereft of a sincere fear of Allah
             may attempt to defraud people of good faith who have
             good intentions.
                 At this point, a believer simply relies on his con-
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