Page 32 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 32
As is implied in the above verse, Allah advises believ-
ers to bring orphans up as decent individuals. Believers
show keenness to take this responsibility upon them-
selves and do their best to educate them in the best way
However, the most important responsibility of a per-
son who takes a child under his protection is to instil in
him the noble values of the Qur'an and to make him re-
gard Allah with due appreciation. That is because, these
are the most important issues that guide the individual to
truth and salvation. A child develops moral sense in the
light of the knowledge he acquires in his early years and
is accordingly prepared for his eternal life in the hereafter.
For this reason, this is the most important issue to which
a believer pays attention while an orphan under his care
is being educated. He does his utmost to ensure that he or
she has superior values as a believer. No doubt, this is
only made possible by his living by the values of the
Qur'an himself. Abiding by Islamic ethics ensures that or-
phans grow up into decent, intelligent, hard-working in-
Protection of orphans' property
Allah issues a stern warning to those who misappro-
priate the wealth of orphans:
People who consume the property of orphans
wrongfully consume nothing in their bellies except
fire. They will roast in a Searing Blaze. (Surat an-
Nisa': 10)
In compliance with the above verse, believers who as-