Page 28 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 28
only out of desire for the Face of Allah. We do not
want any repayment from you or any thanks". (Surat
al-Insan: 8-9)
As is evident, believers never try to make others feel
indebted because of the compassion they demonstrate or
the help they offer, nor do they even expect to be thanked.
Their true aim is to try to gain Allah's approval by means
of the morality they display. That is because they know
that they will be called to account for that morality on the
Day of Judgment, and giving alms to the poor is a deed
about which they will be questioned. In the Qur'an, Allah
has expressly revealed that hell will be the destination of
those who knowingly refuse to comply with His com-
mands. It is said that the righteous will ask the sinners:
"What caused you to be scorched?"
They will say, "We were not among those who did
prayer and we did not feed the poor. (Surat al-
Muddaththir: 42-44)
(Allah commands:) "Seize him and truss him up."
Then roast him in the Blazing Fire.
Then bind him in a chain which is seventy cubits
He used not to believe in Allah the Magnificent,
nor did he urge the feeding of the poor." (Surat al-
Haqqa: 30-34)
People's failing to encourage one another to support the
poor singles them out for the ignoble end of being cast into
hell. On this, the Almighty specifies who wrongdoers are: