Page 27 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 27
In Surat at-Tawba, verse 60, the poor are specified
among those to whom alms must be given. According to
this verse, giving alms to the poor becomes an obligation
for believers. In the verse, "And beggars and the desti-
tute received a due share of their wealth" (Surat adh-
Dhariyat: 19), Allah makes it clear that alms must be
given not only to those who openly express their indi-
gence but also to those who refrain from doing so because
of their nobility of character.
In the following verse Allah elaborates upon the situ-
ation of the latter class of people.
It (Charity) is for the poor who are held back in the
Way of Allah, unable to travel in the land. The igno-
rant consider them rich because of their reticence.
You will know them by their mark. They do not ask
from people insistently. Whatever good you give
away, Allah knows it. (Surat al-Baqara: 273)
As is expressed in the above verse, such people refrain
from importuning others for help. However, believers, as
a matter of conscience and compassion, recognise the in-
digence of these people and offer them support to meet
their needs. If necessary, they give precedence to the
needs of these people over their own. In accordance with
the hadith of Allah's Messenger, "Blessed is the wealth of a
Muslim from which he gives to the poor, the orphans and to
needy travelers" (Bukhari), they know that this is good for
them. The Qur'an describes this noble understanding of
mercy which is peculiar to believers as follows:
They give food, despite their love for it, to the poor
and orphans and captives, (saying): "We feed you