Page 26 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 26

                                 THE MERCY OF BELIEVERS

             humane attitude or say, "He is someone I have never met
             before", "This is none of my business", or "I don't care a bit
             how he copes with this situation".
                 They care for the needy and support them with what-
             ever means Allah has bestowed upon them. If they lack
             the material means to provide the necessary support, they
             still do not leave them to their own devices, but seek so-
             lutions on their behalf. Indeed, in most cases, they put up
             a far better effort than the needy person himself and con-
             tinue to deal with the matter until all problems are en-
             tirely resolved and needs are satisfactorily met.
                 This morality and compassion displayed by believers
             stem from their attachment to Allah which is marked by
             a profound love for and fear of Him. It is again because of
             this attachment that believers meticulously comply with
             the values of the Qur'an.

                 Compassion Shown Towards the Poor

                 Some people in societies indifferent to religion con-
             sider themselves to be highly sensitive to the needs of the
             poor. However, the attitude these people assume towards
             the poor is only a matter of habit. Sensitivity in its real
             sense appears only when people fully comply with the
             commands of the Qur'an.
                 Believers meticulously fulfil the commands of the
             Qur'an regarding the poor out of their fear of Allah. They
             do this because it is a command of Allah and because this
             is what their understanding of mercy and their con-
             science tell them to do. Believers are thus zealous in mak-
             ing all kinds of sacrifices of their own free will.
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