Page 29 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 29
Have you seen him who denies the religion?
He is the one who harshly rebuffs the orphan and
does not urge the feeding of the poor. (Surat al-
Ma'un: 1-3)
"Nor do you urge the feeding of the poor." (Surat al-
Fajr: 18)
This aside, the compassion shown by believers to the
poor is not limited to material support. In compliance
with the verse "…Be good to your parents and relatives
and to orphans and the very poor, and to neighbours
who are related to you and neighbours who are not re-
lated to you, and to companions and travellers and your
slaves". (Surat an-Nisa': 36), believers are kind and re-
spectful towards the poor. In yet another verse, Allah
commands believers to be forgiving and tolerant to the
Let not those of you who possess affluence and
ample wealth ever become remiss in helping (the
erring ones among) their relatives and the very poor
and those who have migrated in the way of Allah.
They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you
not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-
Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nur: 22)
As is evident, the high morality with which believers
deal with the poor also manifests their mercy. Aware that
the ultimate Owner of everything is Allah alone, believers
acknowledge that everyone is poor before Allah's wealth
and thus also approach the poor with affection and com-