Page 40 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 40

                                 THE MERCY OF BELIEVERS

             sufficient means"; he fulfils this responsibility in the best
             way he can.

                 Not taking back the properties given to women
                 after divorce

                 If you desire to exchange one wife for another and
                 have given your original wife a large amount, do not
                 take any of it. Would you take it by means of slander
                 and outright crime? How could you take it when you
                 have been intimate with one another and they have
                 made a binding contract with you? (Surat an-Nisa':

                 In compliance with the command implicit in the above
             verses, upon the decision to divorce, a man of faith makes
             no request whatsoever to take back the properties he for-
             merly gave to his wife. That is because these properties
             were meant to be a safeguard for the woman and their loss
             may put her in difficulty. To prevent such an undesirable
             situation, Allah imposes this condition upon male believ-
             ers, thereby securing the social well-being of women.
                 Besides, the extent of this property does not lessen the
             obligation this verse imposes upon a man. Even if a be-
             lieving man has given all his possessions to his spouse, he
             does not request the return of anything after separation.
                 As is evident, these commands of the Qur'an make
             manifest the superiority of the understanding of mercy
             the Qur'an offers to believers. At the cost of placing them-
             selves in difficulties, believers never depart from the
             Qur'anic notion of mercy conveyed in these verses, and
             fully comply with it.
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