Page 45 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 45



                          THEIR MERCY

                 So far, we have explained to whom believers should
             show mercy and the criteria the Qur'an lays down on this
             subject. We have also stressed that believers' compassion
             is a natural consequence of their fear of Allah and their el-
             evated morality. That is also the reason why they adopt a
             compassionate attitude, irrespective of the circumstances.
                 In this section, we shall deal with how mercy perme-
             ates believers' lives, the elevated values arising from a
             correct understanding of mercy and how believers live by
             this morality. No doubt the attributes that reflect the be-
             liever's understanding of mercy are legion; yet, in this
             section, we have to limit ourselves to the most significant
                 At this juncture, there is an important point to re-
             member: believers display moral perfection as described
             in the Qur'an only because Allah commands so and be-
             cause they fear Allah. "Mercy" is, therefore, an extremely
             important and fundamental value that enables them to
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