Page 41 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 41


                 Setting divorced women free with liberality

                 In societies distant from religion, divorce often be-
             comes a source of unrest and disagreements. This may be
             accounted for by the failure of the parties to reach a com-
             promise. The two sides usually voice their own requests
             and claims and no criteria exist to judge their validity. The
             absence of these criteria leads to many disagreements and
                 The lives of believers are quite different from those of
             the members of unenlightened societies. Unlike disbe-
             lievers, they have a guide that directs every moment of
             their lives and gives the best decision on their behalf. This
             guide is the Qur'an, a blessing from Allah. People who
             comply with the Qur'an share exactly the same views and
             way of thinking; that is, they agree on the same rights,
             wrongs, demands and claims. Furthermore, since this
             common understanding rests upon the just Book Allah
             has revealed, only the best results ensue. People who ini-
             tially establish their bonds upon such an understanding
             also display a compromising mood when they have to di-
                 Events and conditions may change but what matters
             for believers is to live by the principles of religion and to
             show such moral perfection as will please Allah. Having
             such a noble spirit, when divorce is in question, believers
             never cease to treat the other party with respect, mercy
             and kindness, also observing the Prophet Muhammad's
             counsel, "The best of you are those who are best in dealing with
             their wives." (Tirmidhi). In the following verse Allah de-
             scribes the behaviour expected from believers:
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