Page 46 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 46
sincerely and properly live by Qur'anic morality and to
maintain their commitment to it under all circumstances.
For instance, because it is a command of Allah and be-
cause a believer has a deep fear of Allah's punishment, a
believer does not even think of cheating in measurement,
weight or calculation, thereby distressing other believers
or placing them in difficulties. This aside, the feelings of
mercy he has in his heart make him grasp the divine pur-
poses and delicacy inherent in this command and so he
takes pleasure in observing it. In this way, he stands firm
against all the provocations of evil and the urgings of his
lower self.
It is unlikely that a person with immature feelings of
mercy can be just, self-sacrificing and honest. A person
devoid of compassion does not even think that he needs
Allah's mercy, since he is also unaware of his own weak-
nesses. Consequently, he does not fear Allah as he should,
and in his daily living he fails to display the good values
of the Qur'an.
It should be borne in mind that, all the moral values
described in the Qur'an are of a complementary nature;
they perfect and support one another. The existence of
one of them is conditional upon the existence of the oth-
Below, we will see how mercy positively influences
and perfects the other elevated moral values of believers.
To Rule with Justice
Mercy is a very important moral quality that ensures
the exercise of justice. A believer never assumes a cruel or