Page 49 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 49
be summoned to account for their good and wicked
deeds on the Day of Judgement. A believer, however, who
remains conscious of this fact, approaches even a stranger
with compassion and strives to improve the situation of
those who are exposed to cruelty.
Even in situations in which there is not a single soul
who will support him, a believer commits himself to re-
moving evil. The insensitive and unscrupulous attitude
of those who do otherwise never make him falter in his
commitment, although such people may be in the major-
ity. He always keeps in mind that, in the hereafter, he will
be questioned about every incident he witnessed and
how he sided with the good and showed determination
to remove evil. Contrary to the views of the majority, he
knows that just saying, "I have not heard, seen or wit-
nessed anything" by no means exonerates him. He never
forgets that it will be only he who will be rewarded in
case he acts conscientiously and again, only he will be
punished if he ignores wrongdoing. This being the case,
he never turns a blind eye to cruelty.
In societies where the values of religion are not ob-
served, however, examples of moral negligence may be
seen at all times. For instance, a person who witnesses an
accident may just hurry past, so as not to have to go to
any trouble or when he sees someone being unjustly
treated, he may remain silent so as not to direct the anger
of the oppressor towards himself.
However, a believer who is guided by his conscience
and feelings of mercy, never remains silent at injustice or
ignores such events. After all, he never oppresses anyone