Page 48 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 48

                                 THE MERCY OF BELIEVERS

             about justice, which leads to justice being meted out in a
             variety of ways. Indeed, everyone has his own ideas
             about right and wrong and, in the light of these variable
             criteria, he makes judgements.
                 However, the situation is otherwise for believers. The
             basis of a believer's understanding of justice is in the
             Words of Allah, that is, in the Qur'an, which is the Just
             Book that provides man with the most exact knowledge
             of all things. Allah is infinitely just. Thus, a believer, who
             complies with His words and acquires the morality
             deemed to be favourable by Him, displays the most just
             attitude by nature.

                 Not to Approve of Cruelty

                 Believers never remain insensitive towards acts of
             cruelty that they witness, hear or learn about in some
             way. Their compassion, that stems from the morality of
             the Qur'an, calls for standing up against all forms of cru-
             elty, protecting the rights of the innocent and, if necessary,
             struggling on their behalf.
                 They never hesitate to struggle against cruelty,
             whether the person subjected to it be a close friend or a
             stranger they have never met in all their lives. Moreover,
             they consider this as a precious opportunity to earn the
             approval of Allah and to display Qur'anic morality.
                 The members of a society not living by the values of
             religion, however, think that not making such sacrifices is
             a sign of cleverness and they label those who involve
             themselves in such efforts as "stupid". This clearly shows
             their forgetfulness of the fact that, all human beings will
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