Page 57 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 57


              11) The Day of Judgment
              The Day of Judgment is the final day of life for the universe,
            as predetermined by Allah (swt). Everyone will be called to
            account on the Day of Judgment. No one will return to Earth
            in a second body, for all of the souls of everyone who has ever
            lived, from the time of Prophet Adam (as) right up until the
            Day of Judgment, were created beforehand. No soul will
            return to Earth with a different body.

              12) Appreciating Those Given the Glad Tidings of
              Any inappropriate word spoken against a Companion of the
            Prophet (saas) who received the glad tidings of Paradise is not
            in line with the respect due to them and is a great sin toward
            those great individuals. These Companions are:
              u Abu Bakr (ra)
              u Umar (ra)
              u Uthman (ra)
              u Ali (ra)
              u Talha ibn Ubaydullah (ra)
              u Zubayr ibn Awwam (ra)
              u Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas (ra)
              u Sa‘id ibn Zayd (ra)
              u Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf (ra), and
              u Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah (ra).
              The history of Islam’s early days is full of these superior indi-
            viduals’ heroism. The Messenger of Allah (saas) praised these
            Muslims in his hadiths.
              One of the common features of heretical sects is their attack
            on some of the Companions given the glad tidings of Paradise.
            There is no room for such views among the Ahl al-Sunnah.

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