Page 54 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 54

               The book in which all deeds are written contains an
               account of all that a person did while alive. Written by
               angels, it will be given to its owner in the Hereafter. That
               person will be told to ‘take your book and read it,’ and thus
               nothing will remain hidden.
               The Just Balance is a measure of justice by which everyon-
               e’s deeds are weighed and by which the levels of good and
               evil deeds can be established.
               Al-Sirat, the bridge built over Hell, is by no means easy to
               cross. Righteous servants of Allah cross it with ease, so
               much so that some cross it as fast as lightning, and enter
               Paradise. The unbelievers and unforgiven believers will be
               unable to cross it and will fall into Hell. Unbelievers will
               remain there for eternity, while believers will enter
               Paradise once their punishment has ended.” (Omer Nasuhi
               Bilmen, The Great Islamic Catechism, pp. 32-33)

              6) The Intercession (Shafa‘ah) of the Prophet
              The prophets and the righteous, who occupy elevated sta-
            tions in the sight of Allah (swt), will ask Him to forgive those
            believers who committed sins and to elevate those who are
            free of sin. This is known as shafa‘ah, and all Muslims must
            strive to be worthy of it. Omer Nasuhi Bilmen has said this
            about the intercession of the blessed Prophet (saas):
               “Intercession refers to our Prophet and some other indi-
               viduals of high standing requesting Almighty Allah to for-
               give some believers and to raise the ranks of some obedi-
               ent believers on the Day of Judgment. Our Prophet will
               make the greatest intercession for immediate reckoning
               of all people in the Hereafter. His intercession is known
               as al-Shafa‘at al-‘Uzma (the Greatest Intercession), and
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