Page 50 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 50
munity of the same prophet and strive to develop a communi-
ty worthy of him. The only road for Muslims, therefore, is to
adhere tightly to the Qur’an and the Prophet’s (saas) Sunnah.
Any examination of the Prophet’s (saas) life shows that his
attitude toward life was not one-dimensional. For example,
many reliable hadiths discuss his various roles: a prophet, a
head of state, an army commander, a soldier, and a trader. He
prays, fasts, prays during the night, lives in a state of constant
devout prayer and contemplation, and remembers Allah (swt).
A modest leader, he also marries, buys things, treats and visits
the sick, jokes with children, wrestles with his friends, and
races his wife on the road.
Muslims can properly discharge their duties as Allah’s (swt)
servants only by studying and observing the Prophet’s (saas)
practices. The first source of information for this is the great
hadith compilations of Muslim, al-Bukhari, and other classical-
era hadith scholars. The vast collections of his words, deeds,
and personal attributes, particularly those displayed during his
prophethood, were collected with great care by narrators or
reporters whom all Sunni scholars consider reliable.