Page 48 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 48
lowing His Prophet (saas), for doing so reveals that he/she is a
follower of Allah (swt). No believer can regard obedience to
Allah (swt) as sufficient and abandon obedience to the Prophet
(saas). The Prophet (saas) gives the following glad tidings to
those who comply with the Sunnah: “Whoever gives life to
my Sunnah certainly loves me, and whoever loves me is
with me in Paradise." (al-Tirmidhi)
While the Prophet (saas) imparts the above glad tidings to
those who adhere by the Sunnah, in the Qur’an, our Lord
warns the terrible consequences that result from rebelling
against the Prophet (saas):
As for those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and
overstep His limits, We will admit them into a Fire,
remaining in it timelessly, forever. They will have a
humiliating punishment. (Surat an-Nisa’, 14)
Those who are unable to understand the Sunnah’s impor-
tance and who criticize it, despite what has been related
above, are acting directly against the Prophet (saas).
The Prophet’s (saas) words and behavior, described as “con-
forming to sublime morality” by Allah (swt) in the Qur’an, and
by Aisha (ra) in her words that “the Prophet's (saas) nature
was the Qur'an,” constitute a role model for all human beings.
Just as one cannot attain true virtue without taking him as a
role model, neither can one attain happiness in this world and
the Hereafter without doing so.
Those who abandon the Sunnah will lose a highly auspicious
reward and be deprived of his intercession on the Day of
Judgment. Moreover, turning one’s back on the Sunnah of the
Prophet (saas), who was most affectionate toward his ummah
and most sensitive to any harm that might befall them, is show-