Page 46 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 46


            that reason, a messenger has been sent as a guide to every
              As with the other prophets, Allah (swt) sent Prophet
            Muhammad (saas) with the perfect religion and the straight
            path. He has also made him a prophet for everyone until the
            Day of Judgment. Obeying, respecting, and loving him, in addi-
            tion to imitating his lifestyle and abiding by his Sunnah, are
            responsibilities that all Muslims must try to fulfill.
              Indeed, in the Qur’an obedience to the Prophet (saas) is
            considered as the same as obedience to Allah (swt). Believers
            are told to take the Qur’an and the Sunnah as their guides in
            matters on which they disagree. The following command is
            given in the Noble Qur’an:
               No, by your Lord, they are not believers until they
               make you their judge in the disputes that break out
               between them and then do not resist what you decide
               and submit themselves [to you] completely. (Surat
               an-Nisa’, 65)
              As this verse makes crystal clear, the Prophet’s (saas)
            Sunnah is an absolute and immaculate source of commands,
            because it is the way of “interpreting, explaining, and applying
            the Qur’an.” Therefore, no believer has the right to make
            interpretations (ta’wil) or be disobedient with regard to the
            Sunnah, the application of the Qur’an.

               When Allah and His Messenger have decided some-
               thing, no believing man or woman has a choice about
               [following or not following] it. Anyone who disobeys
               Allah and His Messenger is clearly misguided. (Surat
               al-Ahzab, 36)

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