Page 49 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 49
ing ingratitude to such a great blessing:
A Messenger has come to you from among your-
selves. Your suffering is distressing to him. He is deep-
ly concerned about you, and is gentle and merciful to
the believers. (Surat at-Tawba, 128)
Those who hold mistaken opinions about the practices of
the Prophet Muhammad (saas) fail to comprehend the impor-
tance of his role. The duty entrusted to him requires a sense of
responsibility so great that even the slightest detail could not
be ignored. That is why our Prophet (saas) has so much to tell
us on so many subjects, from trade to health, and from solidar-
ity to education.
The Sunnah’s fundamental principle is its applicability.
“Treat the people with ease and don't be hard on them.
Give them glad tidings and don't fill them with aversion”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Hadith No. 275) is the
clearest indication of this. His wife Aisha (ra) stated that he
told his people to do that which they could easily accomplish.
Therefore, everyone can adopt the Sunnah. His life is an exam-
ple of applying the Qur’an to one’s daily life for every believer.
Another issue is the damaging results that arise when people
abandon the Sunnah. Some Muslims, out of ignorance or idle-
ness, have imposed heresy on the Islamic world by coming up
with stipulations based on the speculations of people who
essentially have no knowledge of Islam, or by following their
own interpretations instead of the Sunnah’s guidance.
The Islamic world’s political and economic problems
occurred because the Muslims abandoned the Qur’an and the
Prophet’s (saas) Sunnah. The ensuing instability will continue
until believers understand that they are members of the com-