Page 55 - The Importance of the Ahl Al-Sunnah
P. 55


               his elevated status in Paradise is known as al-Maqam al-
               Mahmud (the Praised Station).” (Omer Nasuhi Bilmen,
               The Great Islamic Catechism, p. 33)

              7) Belief in Destiny
              The Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama‘ah believe in the good and evil of
            destiny. There are two degrees of belief in destiny:
              The first degree is that Allah (swt) is fully aware of what
            every member of creation has done and will do. He knows
            their obedience and their rebellion before they ever take
            place. Almighty Allah (swt) has written the destiny of all that
            exists on al-Lawh al-Mahfuz (the Preserved Tablet). A person’s
            destiny is brought to him by an angel while he is still in an
            embryonic form, before his soul has been breathed into him.
              The second one is that Allah’s (swt) will is superior to that of
            human beings. No one can be a believer or an unbeliever
            unless Allah (swt) wills it to be so. Muslims must be very sensi-
            tive on this subject.

              8) The Ahl al-Qiblah Cannot Be
              Excommunicated (Takfir) Due to Sinning
              Someone adhering to the Ahl al-Sunnah’s convictions does
            not excommunicate another believer who prays in the same
            direction (qiblah) as he does or claim that such a person is an
            unbeliever. Kharijism, Islamic history’s first heretical move-
            ment, produced its first corruption (fitnah) on this very sub-
              No matter how many good works someone who has lapsed
            into denial may perform, he will not benefit from them.
            Similarly, no matter how many sins a Muslim may commit, he
            cannot be considered a denier until he says that what is actual-
            ly allowed is prohibited and that what is actually prohibited is
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