Page 13 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 13

arwinism denies the existence
                                   and oneness of God and the re-
                                  sponsibility of all people to our Lord.
                               The foundation of materialism and the
                   movements that it represents are incompatible with reli-
                  gious moral values. For that reason—out of their ideologi-
                 cal concerns—, Darwinism's adherents are still making efforts

                made to preserve it, even though it has been refuted scientifi-
                    Darwinists and materialists alike maintain that man, the
               universe, and all it contains are all the products of blind chance.
               They claim that because they regard human beings as a species of
               animal, then relationships between humans should be animalis-
                tic in nature. This perverted view regards selfishness, ruthless-
                ness, conflict and murder as perfectly justified according to the
                 survival of the fittest. It regards such feelings as compassion,
                  love, affection and respect as obstacles that retard the
                   process of evolution. Under Darwinist indoctrination,
                    people are brought up to scorn altruism and compas-
                      sionate love for others, and to become cruel, ag-
                                 gressive and self-interested.

                                       For some 150 years
                                   now, Darwinism has
                                   been indoctrinating soci-
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