Page 15 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 15
Moreover, neither the verses of the Qur'an nor the hadith of our
Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) contain any
account that suggests evolution.
This book concentrates on the importance of the intellectual
struggle against Darwinism, and also replies to the excuses ad-
vanced by those who seek to avoid participating. Eliminating
these excuses, which stem from a lack of knowledge or of suffi-
cient reflection, will— by God's leave—reinforce and increase the
effect of the intellectual fight against atheism.
The fact that needs to be reiterated is that if people of faith
regard as harmless a theory completely opposed to the fact of cre-
ation, assuming it poses no threat, and if they stand by and watch
it thrive, they will be indirectly helping spread Darwinism
throughout society and thus, to the inevitable strengthening of
atheism. That's why they need to understand the philosophy un-
derlying the theory of evolution, which expresses materialist phi-
losophy under a supposedly scientific guise. And that materialist
philosophy can be defined as the Religion of Atheism.
The Qur'an emphasizes the importance of the intellectual
struggle against elements that disrupt peace and order in the
verse, "Would that there had been people who forbade corrup-
tion in the earth!" (Surah Hud: 116) Darwinism lies at the heart
of those trends that currently damage the peace of mankind and
prevent a climate of peace and security. True Muslims must strive
to be aware of this and to mobilize all their resources in order to
intellectually eradicate this dangerous idea rather than just ig-
noring the threat it poses.
A Adnan Oktar r