Page 20 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 20


                however, is that the structures of living things are far too complex
                and perfect to have formed as the result of successions of coinci-

                     A superior Mind is required for them to come into existence.
                And every new piece of information obtained shows once again
                that living things are the work of an Omniscient and Almighty
                Creator—in other words, of our Lord God. Anyone who closely
                follows scientific publications can see that the theory of evolution
                is in a major predicament. Many evolutionists openly admit that
                Darwinism cannot account for the emergence of life. Moreover, an
                increasing number of scientists are becoming aware of the situa-
                tion that confronts Darwinism—and are turning to the fact of
                     Therefore, there is no reason to avoid an open, clear intellec-
                tual struggle against Darwinism. Those who fear that science has
                proven evolution, and that they, too, will be influenced by this in-
                doctrination and have their own faith and their world views
                shaken are worrying needlessly. Science points to creation, not to
                evolution. Every one of the claims made by Darwinism has been
                undermined by hundreds of scientific proofs. Muslims need to

                neutralize Darwinism intellectually by making use of these
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