Page 25 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 25

HARUN YAHYA                         23

                 Those Who Seek to Islamicize Darwinism
                Cannot Explain the Creation of the Angels
                                       and Djinn

                   Our Almighty Lord is He Who creates from nothing, from no
               earlier model, in a form and at a time of His choosing. When God
               wishes a thing to exist He commands it to "Be!":
                   Our Word to a thing when We desire it is just to say to it
                   "Be!" and it is.  (Surat an-Nahl: 40)

                   God is He Who is unsullied by any flaw or deficiency, Who
               has no need of anything. Therefore, God has no need of any prior
               cause, vehicle or stage in order to create. One must not be misled
               by the fact that everything in this world depends on specific caus-
               es. As the Creator, God is unsullied by any of these laws of nature.
                   But those who fail to reflect on these facts properly may fall
               into various errors. People who seek to reconcile Darwinism with
               Islam are misled by this lack of reflection. Since they cannot ap-
               preciate God's sublime creative might and the perfection in His
               creative artistry, they come up with impossible interpretations
               such as "Islamic evolution." When asked how the angels and
               djinn were created, these people—who maintain that man pro-
               gressed by way of evolution—will answer, "God created them
               from nothing." These people know that God created the angels
               and djinn, but fail to reason that He created human beings in the

               same way. This is a very grave error. It is astonishing that they
               cannot see that our Almighty Lord, Who created the angels with
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