Page 22 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 22
maintain the same exact thing." The truth that a Muslim believes
in is that God has created all things. It is therefore impossible for
a Muslim to maintain the same theories as Darwinists. A Muslim
must wage an open, confident intellectual struggle against
Darwinism. A Muslim with a proper fear of God can never es-
pouse the same ideas and ideology as Darwinism.
For those who are unaware of the dangers of Darwinism and
have failed to understand the way it fights belief in God, it would
be much better to say nothing at all on the subject, rather than to
employ insincere, erroneous logic. It is a mistake to avoid the in-
tellectual struggle and to resort to faulty, irrational methods out of
fear that one's strength on a subject is not adequate. Darwinism is
a grave danger that must be opposed in a serious manner and
completely eliminated. In the sight of God, it is a grave error and
a serious responsibility to hinder the intellectual struggle against
Darwinism by failing to be aware of this threat.