Page 21 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 21
A Passive, Defeatist Mentality Cannot
Render Darwinism Harmless
Some Muslims exaggerate evolutionary propaganda carried
out for ideological reasons and via entirely speculative methods.
They imagine that they will never be able to overcome it, and thus
adopt a passive and defeatist stance when they should be joyful-
ly, enthusiastically waging a mental struggle against Darwinism.
One of the ugliest examples of this passive, defeatist attitude
is, as we pointed out, an attempt to Islamicize Darwinism. To back
up this attitude, such thinkers use pagan beliefs left over from
Sumerian societies and report the words of writers to whom they
impute great scholarship. They try to give the impression that
"this is what the religion says." Yet these are evidently excuses to
avoid engaging in an intellectual struggle against Darwinism—
the ugly result of a passive, defeatist mindset.
By fearing Darwinism, and imagining that they will be un-
able to defeat it in the world of ideas, these people have lost be-
fore they even begin. Yet this form of struggle is exceedingly be-
littling for any Muslim who holds a true faith in God and who ap-
preciates His infinite might. It is impossible for a devout Muslim
to struggle in a half-hearted, defeatist manner. There is no ques-
tion of his opposing Darwinism with the logic of "We actually