Page 18 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 18


                theory of evolution. The reason why evolution is maintained on
                the agenda is not because it's scientific, but because it serves as the
                foundation for materialism and atheism. To put it another way,
                evolutionary propaganda is carried out for ideological concerns.

                     The effect of this intense propaganda also lies at the root of
                the way some Muslims subconsciously assume that it's impossible

                to combat Darwinism. The result of this propaganda is the idea—
                inaccurate though it may be—that opposing evolution means op-
                posing science. So as not to seem backward and unscientific, peo-
                ple make attempts to find some "middle ground" between Islam
                and the theory of evolution—which, again, is imagined to be re-
                spectably scientific. Yet actually this represents a way of avoiding
                any intellectual struggle against Darwinism.
                     Anyone who reflects honestly and listens to his conscience
                can easily grasp that it is impossible for the theory of evolution to
                be true. It is impossible for life, with all its exceedingly sensitive
                order and flawless mechanisms, to be the result of blind coinci-
                dences. Darwinists maintain that a handful of unconscious mole-
                cules combined, driven together by the effects of the wind, rain,
                thunder and lightning, can create human beings able to think,
                feel, converse, take pleasure from an attractive landscape, feel af-
                fection for a kitten and compassion for the poor, make new dis-

                      coveries, compose symphonies and erect works of architec-
                           ture. They say that unconscious molecules gave rise to
                             brightly colored flowers, various fruits with all their
                              different flavors, and animals with all their
                              different perfect systems. The fact,
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