Page 48 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 48
The evolutionary "news"
stories that appear con-
stantly in various publi-
cations consist of pro-
paganda, and are of no
scientific value.
tific research. According to this distorted perspective, every piece
of data obtained must be interpreted in the light of the pre-exist-
ing materialist world view. Therefore, according to this error, any
non-materialist interpretation is not scientific.
Kansas State University's Scott Todd sets out this distorted
Darwinist way of thinking in a letter published in Nature maga-
zine: "Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such a
hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic." 1
Indeed, even though all the findings from just about every
field of science reveal the Fact of Creation, the dogma of "Science
must be materialist" in certain circles underlies the way that the
media devotes insufficient space to this information and how aca-