Page 52 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 52
distorted data as supposed proofs of evolution, taking advantage
of their audience's ignorance of scientific knowledge. And on the
other hand, they also ignore and carefully conceal new evidence
that undermines their theories— evidence that is never shown to
the public.
Hundreds of living fossils that prove the Fact of Creation
have been carefully concealed from the public gaze. These speci-
mens show conclusively that there is no difference between life
forms that existed millions of years ago and forms alive today;
and that these living things never underwent any form of evolu-
tion. Yet most of the public is unaware of these fossils' existence
because they are kept hidden in museum basements and univer-
sity palaeontology department storage rooms. They are never
A 24-million-year-old caterpillar fossil pre-
served in amber shows that caterpillars A 24-million-year-old
have remained the same throughout the wasp fossil
passage of aeons--in other words, (in Dominican amber)
they never underwent evolution.