Page 49 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 49
demic circles resolutely ignore it. If Darwinists genuinely want to
abide by the principles demonstrated by science, they have to ac-
cept that science invalidates their theories. For those who are un-
able to accept the facts revealed by science, it is meaningless to
make claims in the name of science and to comment on what's sci-
entific and what isn't.
Therefore, it is totally inappropriate for both Muslims and
Darwinists to be influenced by this indoctrination. The position
reached by 21 st -century science proves that those who are unsci-
entific do believe in the theory of evolution.
3. Darwinists Either Conceal or Ignore the
Scientific Evidence that Refutes Evolution
Among the ploys that Darwinists resort to in order to sustain
their theory, manufacturing false evidence and concealing true
evidence occupies an important place. Faking fossils, perpetrat-
ing fraudulent experiments and portraying imaginary illustra-
tions as scientific facts are tactics frequently employed by evolu-
tionists. The history of Darwinism is full of such instances.
Piltdown Man, touted as "proof" of human evolution for 43
years, was the result of fitting together human and orangutan
bones. However, it was kept on public display for years as sup-
posed evidence of evolution. Nebraska Man, constructed on the
basis of one lone molar tooth discovered in 1922, was another ex-
ample of evolutionist wishful thinking. Just one tooth became the
basis for talk of an hypothetical half-man half-ape entity. But it
later emerged that the tooth actually belonged to a wild boar! For
years, drawings of embryonic development by the German biolo-
gist Ernst Haeckel were used as supposed proof of the process of
A Adnan Oktar r