Page 59 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 59

HARUN YAHYA                         57

               brought out where the public can see them.
                   Darwinists make efforts to conceal and distort the truth, but
               Muslims must not let themselves be influenced. Thinking that
               "Being scientists, they must be telling the truth" and believing

               every word that evolutionists say are grave errors—because evo-
               lutionist scientists do not hesitate to conceal the true facts, distort
               scientific data and manufacture fake evidence to support their
                   It is exceedingly important to expose Darwinists' frauds and
               deceptions if Darwinism's power is to be broken. Muslims must
               be aware of Darwinists' tricks and by exposing them, prevent oth-
               ers from being misled. This is essential if the nightmares caused
               by atheism are to be eliminated, and for proper moral values to
               prevail on Earth.

                  4. They Advance the Falsehood that "If the

                 Majority Believes in Evolution, that Confirms
                              the Truth of Darwinism"

                   One of Darwinists' slogans is the falsehood that "This theory
               is generally accepted by the scientific world." To put it another
               way, evolutionists suggest that they are always in the majority,
               and that the majority is always in the right. They seek to put psy-
               chological pressure on the population with false logic: "Since so
               many people support evolution, and since believers in evolution
               constitute the majority in universities, the theory must be true."
               Muslims must not be influenced by such pressure and must not
               be taken in by this Darwinist untruth.
                   The number of scientists rejecting the theory of evolution has
               grown rapidly over the last 20 to 30 years. The majority of them


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