Page 62 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 62
in this life may lead to intense regret in the Hereafter. For that rea-
son, one must immediately abandon any despairing, passive,
helplessness and defeatist mindset in the face of Darwinism, and
must employ all possible means to wage a war of ideas against it.
Helplessness in the face of any atheistic ideology is an attitude
unbefitting for Muslims to adopt.
Never forget that the intellectual struggle of true believers
has already been won. Believers will overcome all atheist ideolo-
gies, Darwinism included. God imparts these glad tidings in the
As for those who make God their friend, and His
Messenger and those who believe: it is the party of God
who are victorious! (Surat al-Ma'ida: 56)
… God will not give the disbelievers any way against the
believers. (Surat an-Nisa': 141)
Therefore, in their struggle against atheism, the faithful must
act in the knowledge that they will be victorious and in the hon-
or of knowing that they are defending the truth. By God's leave,
Darwinism will come to an end and our Lord will make "truth
victorious over falsehood." The struggle of the faithful must be to
make that intellectual victory a reality.
Darwinism Has Been Scientifically Refuted
The theory of evolution claims that the 1.5 million or so liv-
ing species in nature came into being as the result of unconscious
natural events. According to evolutionists, the first cell came into
being through chemical reactions in inanimate matter. (A great
deal of scientific evidence shows that this could not actually hap-
pen. Researchers have failed to obtain even the smallest building