Page 66 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 66
rise to any evolution, no matter how numerous they may be. We
may compare this effect of mutations to earthquakes. In the same
way that an earthquake cannot make a city more developed or
improve it, so mutations cannot lead to positive changes. From
this point of view, evolutionist claims regarding mutations are
completely invalid.
One proof that demolishes the Darwinist claim that all living
things are descended from one another is the fossil record. For in-
stance, evolutionists maintain that fish evolved from such marine
invertebrates as sea worms. That being the case, a very large num-
ber of "intermediate forms" should have existed between the two
groups, in such a way as to permit gradual evolution. In other
words, we should encounter in the fossil record a large number of
forms bearing both fish and invertebrate sea worm characteris-
tics. Yet although hundreds of fossils of worms and fish that once
existed in the ancient past have been found, not one single interme-
diate-form fossil has ever been discovered. This lack of intermedi-
ate forms means that evolution never happened.
The Swedish evolutionist and professor of botany N.
Heribert Nilsson, of Lund University, admits this defeat of
Darwinism in the face of the fossil record:
My attempts to demonstrate evolution by an experiment car-
ried on for more than 40 years have completely failed… The
fossil material is now so complete that it has been possible to
construct new classes, and the lack of transitional series cannot
be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The defi-
ciencies [in the fossil records] are real, they will never be
filled. 4
Even when looked at in very general terms, the invalidity of
Darwinism and the fact that it is built upon completely erroneous