Page 61 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 61

HARUN YAHYA                         59

                         deeply, may be aware of the Darwinist propaganda he
                         confronts. One particular characteristic of Muslims
                         who possess true faith is that they have foresight—in
                         other words the understanding with which to distin-

                         guish between true and false. God has revealed this
                         virtue of those who fear Him in these terms in the
                              You who believe! If you fear God, He will give
                              you discrimination and erase your bad actions
                              from you and forgive you. God's favour is in-
                              deed immense. (Surat al-Anfal: 29)
                              Those who act out of a fear of God and who lis-
                         ten to their consciences can easily see, by God's leave,
                          the threat posed by Darwinism and how that danger
                             can be neutralized. Those who cannot understand
                              the importance of the issue—either out of igno-
                              rance, a failure to reflect, or heedlessness—must
                           understand the truth when it is explained to them.

                               Once again they need to be reminded that
                                 Darwinism is not some idle supposition that
                                  believers can accept or regard as possibly le-
                                             gitimate. Darwinism is the reli-
                                                     gion of atheism.  And
                                                      every sincere Muslim
                                                      has the responsibility to
                                                      wage an intellectual
                                                       struggle against athe-
                                                              Ignoring this
                                                        major responsibility

                                       A Adnan  Oktar r

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