Page 79 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 79

HARUN YAHYA                          77

               some European countries, and still causes people to turn aside
               from religious moral values.

                   Due to Darwinism's irrational and unscientific indoctrina-
               tion, children from a very early age are led down a path that will
               often end in suffering and oppression. The world's schools, high
               schools and universities deceived young people into thinking
               that Man is an advanced species of animal, that the law of the jun-
               gle reigns even in civilized communities, that the strong are al-
               ways in the right and will oppress the weak, and that life is a
               struggle for survival. This, understandably, causes major prob-
               lems for the societies in which they grow up. The Darwinist sys-
               tem raises generations far removed from human love, who are
               cruel, aggressive and selfish and attach no importance to moral
               values. As a result, many countries suffer major problems from
               the hands of their own citizens. Hooligans, neo-Nazis, fascists,
               communists, anarchists and terrorists make these nations unbear-
               able to live in. Although their governments are perfectly well
               aware of the root of this problem, they lack the power to put mat-
               ters right.
                   What needs to be done is to eliminate the root of the prob-

               lem—in other words, to intellectually neutralize Darwinism.
               Many events have shown that by themselves, judicial and mili-
               tary measures are not sufficient. Pruning back nettles does not do
               away with nettles altogether. They merely grow back stronger
               and thicker. The solution lies in uprooting them entirely.
               Darwinist indoctrination lies at the root of the moral and social
               problems facing a great many societies today, and no permanent
               solution can be achieved until the error of this Darwinist indoc-
               trination is brought into the light of day.


                                       A Adnan  Oktar r
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