Page 75 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 75

arwinism, maintaining that all
                                   life and the universe are the work
                                 of blind chance, is the most dangerous
                    ideology facing us today. It has served as the suppos-

                  edly scientific foundation for all the damaging move-
                 ments based on ideological concerns—particularly material-
                 ism, communism and fascism—that have wreaked such terri-
                ble harm on mankind for the last 150 years.
                    However, people with an insufficient knowledge of
               Darwinism or who fail to reflect sufficiently deeply on its mate-
               rialist ideology may still be unaware of the danger that it poses.
               Since they are not aware of what terrible social and moral disas-
               ters the theory of evolution has led to since it was first put for-
                ward, they may be unable to comprehend the vital importance
                of the intellectual struggle against Darwinism, which denies
                 the existence and oneness of God and the fact that human be-
                  ings have a responsibility towards our Lord.
                        The fact is, though, that Darwinist ideology pre-
                     pares the groundwork for terrible ruin by suggesting
                       that human beings are the products of blind
                                  chance and merely a
                                   species of animal. It re-

                                   gards life as a battle-
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