Page 72 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 72
Europe, Asia Meet." This
carried a lengthy description
of Harun Yahya's scientific
struggle against the decep-
tions of the theory of evolu-
tion, the international suc-
cess of his book The
Evolution Deceit, and the de-
spair of Turkish evolution-
ists. The article underlined
how this movement, aiming
at the scientific demolition
of the theory of evolution,
was the world's strongest
anti-Darwinist movement
outside North America and that is being expanded to other
Muslim countries as well.
Another matter emphasized in the article was the interna-
tional success of the book The Evolution Deceit and how some
Turkish evolutionist scientists complained that these books are
more effective than the curriculum being taught in schools in
some parts of the country. Turkish evolutionists' alarm was de-
scribed in these words: "Various evolutionist scientists are con-
cerned that evolutionists lose reputation in front of Turkish cre-
ationists in the face of public opinion."
Another example reflecting the effect of the powerful intel-
lectual campaign being waged against Darwinism was a report in
a journal published by the American National Centre for Science
Education (NCSE). Supported by the American Academy of
Sciences and despite being basically pro-evolution, the journal de-