Page 76 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 76


                ground wherein the weak are condemned to oppression and de-
                feat, and claims that only the strong will survive. That is why the
                intellectual struggle against Darwinism is so vital and urgent—
                and why it is a grave error to seek to depict this struggle as "un-

                necessary" or "unimportant."
                     Anyone who wishes to understand the importance of the in-
                tellectual struggle against Darwinism should examine the claim
                with which the theory emerged, its origins and the terrible dam-
                age it has inflicted over the last 150 years. This enquiry will show
                not only that the theory of evolution can never be reconciled with
                belief in God, but that it's totally impossible to find a middle way
                between belief in God and the theory of evolution. The reason for
                this lies in Darwinism's materialist, atheist origins.
                     When we examine the negative effects on social life that
                Darwinism led to, two completely different periods of history be-
                come immediately clear: pre-Darwinism and post-Darwinism. In
                pre-Darwinism, materialist ideology was weak, not generally
                                                  supported by society as a
                                                    whole. Its influence was re-
                                                      stricted to a few small, mi-
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