Page 325 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 325

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                           In Africa, the Sun’s rays are sometimes so
               strong that they can kill animals. Thus, some animals look for
               shady places to protect themselves. When protecting its eggs
               and its young from the Sun’s rays, os-
               triches in South Africa sit on their                The ostrich
               eggs and frequently spread their                    uses its body
               ample wings to prevent the rays from                as a shield to
                                                                   protect its
               affecting the eggs and the babies. But
                                                                   young from
               to do this, they have to leave them-                the heat.
               selves exposed, a striking proof of self-
                   Animals can be quite
               savage and dangerous
               when protecting their
               young. When they
               sense danger, they

               prefer to take their
               young and leave the
               area quickly. But when
               there is no chance of es-
               cape, they do not hesitate
               to throw themselves at the at-
               tacker. For example, bats and birds

               will attack researchers taking their
               young out of their nests.

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