Page 330 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 330

In the Name of Allah,
                              The All-Merciful and Most Merciful

                               Dogs and people do not have the same per-
                  ception of smell. For example, a dog’s nose is so sensitive that
                 it can detect scents left by other dogs as well as people, gather
                 information from them, and detect the slightest scents in the air
                 without any difficulty. Some types of dog have a sense of smell
                 that is a million times more sensitive than a human being’s, a
                 characteristic that enables them to do things that people and

                 even sophisticated electronic devices cannot manage, such as
                 finding rugs, missing persons, explosive materials, wild ani-
                 mals, criminals, accident and disaster victims.
                      For example, blood hounds can follow a four day-old scent
                 and the traces of a person for more than 80 kilometers (50
                 miles). Amazingly, they never lose the scent in spite of the
                 countless other scents on the ground. In experiments, a trained
                 dog could find an item from among several things that had
                 been sprayed with the scent of a skunk. The Schlieren photog-

                 raphy technique has revealed that dogs breathe differently.
                            When a dog breathes, the air goes in through side
                                   openings toward the back. Because of this

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