Page 336 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 336

In the Name of Allah,
                              The All-Merciful and Most Merciful

                       theless are suckled until they are six months old.

                    Lions, tigers, and other large cats carry their young by the
                  scruff of their necks. Since the babies remain motionless while
                 being carried, they suffer no injury. Almighty Allah, the Creator
                 of all, teaches these animals to be compassionate and merciful
                 toward their young, as well as the other lions in the pride to
                 take care of, protect, and look after them. Such characteristics
                 are displays of His limitless power and infinite compassion.

                          Among the elephants’ most important characteristics
                 is their attachment to each other. They help and sacrifice them-
                 selves for members of their family and for the entire herd. For
                 example, when hunters shoot at the herd, elephants rush to-
                 ward the elephants that are in danger. The foundation of this
                 closely knit society is the group of young elephants. New-born

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