Page 339 - In The Name Of Allah, The All-Merciful And Most Merciful
P. 339

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                   and Most Merciful, inspires the intelligence, compas-
                sion, and mercy that these animals demonstrate. He created
               animals to be hardworking and self-sacrificial in order to per-
               petuate themselves, and has inspired in them how to hunt, re-
               produce, and protect and feed their young.
                   Allah tells us that He inspires honeybees to know where to
               build their nests: “Your Lord revealed to the bees: ‘Build

               dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the
               structures which men erect’” (Surat an-Nahl, 68). In addition,
               He inspires within them how to build these nests and what ma-
               terials to use. Some animals show great self-sacrifice and expe-
               rience much difficulty in reproducing and protecting their eggs
               or their young from extremes of heat and cold, predators, and
               all sorts of other dangers. Some animals migrate vast distances
               to lay their eggs, take great care in building their nests and
               dens, die after mating or laying their eggs, go without food for

               weeks while they carry their eggs in their mouths, stay with
               their eggs for weeks… all examples of self-sacrifice serves to
               propagate the species. Weak and powerless baby animals can
               survive only if they are looked after and protected by strong
               adults. Certainly, an abandoned baby gazelle or an untended
               nest of eggs have almost no possibility of survival. But animals
               take on these responsibilities with tireless and unflagging com-

               mitment. Each one of them perfectly performs the duties that
               Allah inspires in them.
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